Tid: 03/12/2018 15:00 til 03/12/2018 17:00

Sted: Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Fælledvej 12, 2200 København N.

Arrangør: N/A

Civilsamfundet Slår Igen: How can young people around the world bring down the towers of oppression and raise the banners of freedom?

Young people are at the center of a global fight for democracy and sustainable development, and they are in many countries around the world in the front line and directly experiencing the challenges of a shrinking space for civic and political participation.

In his 2018 Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture, Barack Obama in his first major speech since leaving office, had a message to young people:

”Young people (…), my message to you is simple – keep believing, keep marching, keep building, keep raising your voice. Every generation has the opportunity to remake the world. Mandela said: ‘Young people are capable, when aroused, of bringing down the towers of oppression and raising the banners of freedom.’ Now is a good time to be aroused. Now is a good time to be fired up.”

This event will discuss global trends and local experiences of young people’s civic and political space and how young people can protect and expand civic and political space for themselves and the population at large to participate in public affairs – or in other words: How can young people around the world bring down the towers of oppression and raise the democratic banners of freedom?

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