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Da de bragte Slobodan Milosevic til fald

Humanity in Action 
Presents “Bringing Down a Dictator”

Time: Tuesday 7. December at 16 – 20 hours

Venue: Borups Højskoles cinema, Frederiksholms Kanal 24, 1220 Kbn K

ADVIS: There are 47 available seats which will be given to those who sign up first.

RSVP (TILMELDING): Sekretariatsleder Morten Østervang on e-mail: [email protected] or tel. 33 13 19 98

Humanity in Action 
Presents “Bringing Down a Dictator”

Time: Tuesday 7. December at 16 – 20 hours

Venue: Borups Højskoles cinema, Frederiksholms Kanal 24, 1220 Kbn K

ADVIS: There are 47 available seats which will be given to those who sign up first.

RSVP (TILMELDING): Sekretariatsleder Morten Østervang on e-mail: [email protected] or tel. 33 13 19 98

If you are given a place but cannot attend, PLEASE notify us so we can give your seat to someone else.

Find more information and movie trailer on http://bit.ly/bitZmR

Srdja Popovic has co-founded the Center for Applied Non-Violent Actions and Strategies (CANVAS), a group that supports nonviolent democratic move-ments through the transfer of knowledge on strategies and tactics of nonviolent struggle around the globe.



Screening of the movie “Bringing Down a Dictator”

Discussion and debate with Srdja Popovic about the movie and non-violent resistance – drawing upon Srdja’s experience in Serbia but also from working with non-violent resistance movements around the world.

Humanity in Action hosts a reception


The ousting of Milosevic was spearheaded by a group of student revolutio-naries who labeled themselves Otpor, the Serbian word for “resistance.

“Bringing Down A Dictator” documents the spectacular defeat of Slobodan Milosevic in October, 2000, not by force of arms, as many had predicted, but by an ingenious nonviolent strategy of honest elections and massive civil disobedience.

ABOUT Srdja Popovic

A founding member of Otpor, Popovic worked as a behind-the-scenes strategist, drafting speeches and writing training manuals for the Serbian resistance movement.

He was elected to the Parliament of the Serb Republic in late 2000, during which time he served as environmental affairs advisor to the Serbian Prime Minister, Zoran Djindjic until Djindjic’s assassination in March 2003.

Popovic left the Parliament in late 2003 and co-founded the Center for Applied Non-Violent Actions and Strategies (CANVAS), a group that supports nonviolent democratic movements through the transfer of knowledge on strategies and tactics of nonviolent struggle.

ABOUT “Bringing Down a Dictator”

The film documents the spectacular defeat of Slobodan Milosevic in October, 2000, not by force of arms, as many had predicted, but by an ingenious nonviolent strategy of honest elections and massive civil disobedience.

ABOUT Milosevics fate

Milošević resigned the Yugoslav presidency amid demonstrations, following the disputed presidential election of 24 September 2000. He was arrested by Yugoslav federal authorities on Saturday, 31 March 2001, on suspicion of corruption, abuse of power, and embezzlement (bedrageri).

The initial investigation into Milošević faltered for lack of evidence, prompting the Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić to send him to The Hague to stand trial for charges of war crimes instead.

Milošević conducted his own defense in the five-year long trial, which ended without a verdict when he died on 11 March 2006 in the War Criminal Prison in The Hague. Milošević, who suffered from heart ailments and high blood pressure, died of a heart attack at the age of sixtyfour.

The Tribunal denies any responsibility for Milošević’s death. They claim that he refused to take prescribed medicines and medicated himself instead.


See more on http://www.humanityinaction.org/denmark