Tid: 17/02/2017 19:00 til 17/02/2017 20:30

Sted: “Møderiet” hos Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke på Fælledvej 12, Nørrebro, København

Arrangør: N/A

Den revolution Egypten har mest brug for: Uddannelse

Essam Heggy, forsker ved NASA og tidligere præsidentiel rådgiver, har samlet en gruppe unge, progressive og revolutionære kræfter, der samarbejder om en valgkampagne for en endnu ukendt civil præsidentkandidat.

Foredraget foregår på engelsk. Der vil være tid til spørgsmål og debat i anden halvdel af foredraget.

Egyptian family, his father is the famous Egyptian artist Mohamed Heggy. He was raised in Tunisia, Egypt and France in a family passionated about art in a multicultural environoment.

His father Mohamed Heggy is one of the most prominent modern MENA painters with several books and expositions performed around the world.

Heggy's strong positions on the reform of the educational system in Egypt to support a real transition toward a modern, tolerant and democratic society have been subject to several public discussions after the major changes that followed the Egyptian Revolution of 2011. 

Heggy is a known public figure among Egyptian youth, he served as the Egyptian president advisor for scientific affairs from 2013 to 2014.

On his Facebook page, in July 2016, Heggy highlighted the main purpose of this initiative which is to lift Egypt back up from the currently poor conditions of sordid poverty, ignorance, and disease. He is determined to end these problems and achieve high levels of education and healthcare.

Professor of political science at Cairo University Hassan Nafaa told Daily News Egypt Sunday: “Nowadays, it is important to allow Egyptians a political alternative; however, this is not an ‘initiative’ as it still falls under the establishment and may fail due to the scattering of political opposition groups.”

Nafaa, who was a co-founder of Kefaya Movement which was one of the prominent opposition movements in the Mubarak era, explained: “The problems among political elite in Egypt are insidious (snigende /lumsk) and this will complicate the process of nominating a new presidential candidate or participating in forming a new political substitute.”

Many people have come out and said that the presidential team project will fail. Member of the Coalition for Revolutionary Youth Shady El-Ghazaly Harb considers these predictions to be part of a “media attack” sponsored by the current regime against Heggy after he declared his intention to formulate this initiative.

Harb told Daily News Egypt on Sunday that any honest political entity that seeks progress in Egypt should warmly welcome Heggy’s initiative as it will activate the currently sluggish political atmosphere in Egypt.

“My only reservation about the presidential team is that the absence of a real democratic regime may lead to its failure, but we should engage in discussion so that we can avoid failing like similar experiments,” Harb said.

The current political regime is oppressive and will not allow for easy power transfer. Egypt is currently suffering from a great absence of political activity. Egyptians nowadays are living through a “one-voice state”, Harb added.

Heggy has called for a national comprehensive reconciliation process that includes all Egyptians. This reconciliation is to include the release of all political or religious detainees.