Tid: 17/11/2021 14:00 til 17/11/2021 15:30

Sted: Online – via Zoom

Arrangør: Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier (DIIS)

Innovation and technology-use in development and humanitarian settings

Innovative technologies and the data they can produce and treat may improve protection, access to services and quality of life in emergencies and vulnerable settings. But they may also exacerbate existing risks and inequalities or establish new ones. A lot is at stake then, in the ways we understand, develop and approach technology and innovation, especially in emergencies and vulnerable contexts. How do we make sure that innovations and technology-use not only reflects local needs, but builds upon and develops local perceptions, competencies and skills, to foster true social change and impact? How do we put local perspectives at the heart of the innovation process and ensure that technologies improve lives?

DIIS Tech has the pleasure of hosting a webinar that brings together local experiences of technology-use, key academic thinkers, and participant inputs around the importance of localizing innovation and technology in humanitarian and development settings. The webinar is presented in partnership with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the umbrella of the Tech for Democracy conference and Year of Action

Dragana Kaurin, Founder and Executive Director, Localization Lab
Chido Musodza, Digital Security Trainer, online and social media management consultant and volunteer translator for Localization Lab
Vicki Squire, Professor, University of Warwick
Marie-Rose Romain Murphy, Co-Founder of Fondation Communautaire Haitienne-Espwa/The Haiti Community Foundation
Adam Moe Fejerskov, Senior Researcher, DIIS

14.00-14.10   Introduction: Tech, innovation and localization, Adam Moe Fejerskov
14.10-14.25   Localization vs. designing tech and innovation solutions with affected communities, Dragana Kaurin
14.25-14.40   Perspectives from Zimbabwe, Chido Musodza
14.40-14.55.  Is technology a barrier or an enabler when it comes to community leadership and engagement? Marie-Rose Romain Murphy
14.55-15.10   Data and displacement, Vicki Squire
15.10-15.30   Discussion and Q&A

Practical information
The seminar will be held in English and you attend via Zoom. 
Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.

Register here.