Tid: 03/02/2022 14:00 til 03/02/2022 14:45

Sted: Zoom

Arrangør: Nordic Network on Global Health

Is migrant health important for global health?

Migration and migrants are often considered to be a polarising and heavily discussed topic. Is migrant health important in the context of Global health? Is it a challenge? If so why and for whom? This talk will elucidate the key aspects related to migrant health and whether migrant health is an important aspect of global health. The talk will also discuss how host countries and migrants can contribute to each other’s better health and wellbeing.

The presentation is by Soorej Jose Puthoopparambil, Uppsala University

About Nordic Global Health Talks:
Nordic Global Health Talks is a monthly webinar series about global health research at Nordic universities, hosted by the Nordic Network on Global Health. It is free and open to everyone interested in knowing more about Nordic global health research, education and collaborative projects.

Register here: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HXX8WspxRSCSl5PpgDAsmA
Read more and find the programme for Nordic Global Health Talks here: https://globalhealth.ku.dk/nordic-talks/