Tid: 30/11/2021 13:00 til 30/11/2021 14:15

Sted: Online

Arrangør: Syddansk Universitet

JUST SOCIETY webinar series: Challenges to equal access to justice and welfare rights in the Global South

JUST SOCIETY is organising its second webinar series in which we dive into administrative, political and legal challenges to equal access to justice and welfare rights across our four partner countries in the Global South: Brazil, Georgia, India sand South Africa.

The key purpose of the webinars is to establish a cross-continental dialogue and highlight comparative perspectives on equal access to justice and welfare rights in societies today. The webinars will feature three presentations by researchers from JUST SOCIETY’s partner countries. In subsequent panel discussions, we discuss similarities and dissimilarities across countries and regions and consider how existing challenges to equal access to justice and welfare rights can be alleviated

JUST SOCIETY’s next webinar will be on:


The webinar will feature three presentations:

  • The Legal Construction of Inequality in Access to Justice and Welfare Rights in Brazil” by Juliano Zaiden Benvindo, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law and Director of Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies, University of Brasilia
  • Access to social assistance: A South African perspective” by Elmarie Fourie, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Head of Department of Public Law, University of Johannesburg
  • Social Security: From working class to working people?” by Babu Mathew, Adjunct Professor of Public Policy, National Law School of India University (NLSIU) – Bangalore and Director of Centre for Labour Studies at NLSIU.
  • Promoting Open Governance Principles as an Effective Solution to the Legal Challenges to Equal Access” by Davit Maisuradze, Associate Professor and a Director of the Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law, Ilia State University, and Head of Open Governance Direction at the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI)

This webinar explores the legal challenges to equal access to justice, social rights and welfare rights in Brazil, Georgia, India, and South Africa. With presentations from each country, the webinar focuses on the direct and indirect discriminatory effects of particular legal frameworks and how these – despite often strong constitutional frameworks – risk perpetuating structural inequalities in social and welfare rights and within the criminal justice system. The four presentations explore how to resolve these existing barriers in ensuring equal protection of access to justice, social rights and welfare rights through, for example, open governance principles.

In a subsequent panel discussion, comparative observations regarding inequality and discrimination in Brazil, Georgia, India, and South Africa are drawn in an effort to shed light on key challenges to global inequality and structural discrimination.

The webinar will be chaired by Christian Brown Prener, Assistant Professor at the Department of Law, University of Southern Denmark.

Register here and find much more information about the webinars here.