Tid: 10/10/2018 09:30 til 10/10/2018 13:30

Sted: Røde Kors, Frivillighuset, Blegdamsvej 27, 2100 København Ø

Arrangør: N/A

Konference: Meeting humanitarian needs in the next EU migration agreements (København)

Conference on how to secure humanity in the next EU migration agreements 

The EU-Turkey deal of March 2016 was a turning point in the European migration policies following the height of the migration influx in 2015. While widely recognized as successfully stemming the flows of refugees and migrants crossing the Aegean Sea, the EU-Turkey deal has also met significant criticism. 

In 2018, migration is still at the top of the European agenda and although the flow of refugees and migrants has been reduced, Europeans are still very concerned.

Negotiations within the EU and with countries outside the EU on possible solutions are on-going. Europe is moving towards more tightly controlled borders and although still contested, a political wish to deter migrants from crossing to Europe is finding support across the political spectrum.

Under these political conditions, the question remains if it is possible to ensure humanity in the next migration agreement? Can international protec- tion be provided outside of Europe while at the same time meeting the basic humanitarian needs and human rights of displaced people? Can we envisage a system where even more displaced people can be reached? 


Sign up with this link: https://www.rodekors.dk/eu-migration-agreements Registration on a first come first served basis. 

Participation is free of charge.

Full programme will be available shortly at the registration link.

Questions regarding the conference can be forwarded to Vedran Cosic: [email protected] 

Confirmed speakers

Gerald Knaus

Founding chairperson of the European Stability Initiative and known as the architect behind the EU-Turkey agreement. Knaus is one of the central persons in the EU’s work towards finding new solutions to the changing patterns of Eu- rope’s migration situation. 

Gerald Knaus will give a presentation on the success and failures of the EU- Turkey agreement and his views on the EU migration policy going forward. 

Wilfried Buchhorn 

Deputy Regional Representative for Northern Europe at UNHCR. Wilfried Buch- horn joined UNHCR in 1994. He has previous been Head of the UNHCR Liaison Officer to the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and has supported the development of a Common European Asylum System and the coordination of UNHCR activities in response to the European refugee emergency. 

UNHCR will give a presentation on protection of refugees in Europe and globally providing a perspective on mixed migration flows to Europe, response and con- sequences for refugees, migrants and host/transit countries. 

Lars Peter Nissen 

Director of ACAPS. Lars Peter Nissen has extensive experience on how to re-spond to humanitarian crisis due to his work with numerous crisis across the world for the past 20 years. Lars Peter Nissen is also a visiting professor at the University of Copenhagen. 

Lars Peter Nissen will give a humanitarian overview of the main concerns of the countries hosting large refugee populations and the needs of migrants and refugees. 

Martin Lidegaard 

Former minister of foreign affairs from 2014-2015 and spokesman for foreign affairs and development cooperation, Liberal Social Party.
The Liberal Social Party are a strong supporter of common European asylum systems and solidarity on the distribution and handling of refugees at the EU- level. 

Anders Ladekarl 

Secretary General, Danish Red Cross. He joined the Danish Red Cross in 2002 as Director of the International Department. In this capacity, he has travelled extensively visiting Red Cross projects in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Anders Ladekarl was appointed Secretary General of the Danish Red Cross in March 2008.