Tid: 14/12/2021 09:00 til 14/12/2021 10:30

Sted: Online

Arrangør: Oxfam IBIS

Report launch: Quality Tax Aid?

Are multilateral institutions like the IMF and World Bank fit to tackle the inequality crisis?

The new report Quality Tax Aid – A review of Nordic countries’ support for domestic resource mobilization through multilateral institutions, finds that the share of Nordic tax aid (ODA for DRM) channeled through multilateral organisations has increased and reached its peak in 2019.

For Sweden and Finland it is half of their aid for DRM, for Norway over 70% and for Denmark over 90%, far above the 41% average for DAC members the same year.

By signing the Addis Tax Initiative (ATI), the Nordic governments have committed to reducing inequality via the aid they provide. The IMF and the World Bank are supporting organisations of the ATI. However, due to a lack of clear objectives and indicators to measure the impact it is less clear whether multilateral tax aid leads to the aim of the ATI commitments, especially those relevant to reducing inequality.

We invite the Nordic government officials for Development Cooperation, parliamentarians and experts to discuss the topic of quality tax aid through multilateral organisations.

– How do we best ensure that tax aid leads to better quality tax systems?
– Who should receive tax aid; multilateral institutions, civil society organisations, independent researchers?
– How do we ensure transparency and satisfactory measurement of aid flows through multilateral organisations?
– How can Nordic countries cooperate to make tax aid better?


  • Ms. Elina Kalkku, Under-Secretary of State, Finnish Ministry for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade
  • State Secretary Bjørg Sandkjær, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Magnus Ek, Swedish Parliamentarian from the Center Party, Parliamentarian
  • Christian Juhl, Danish Parliamentarian from Enhedslisten – The Red Green party
  • Alvin Mosioma, founding Executive Director of Tax Justice Network Africa
  • Matti Ylönen, University Lecturer in Political Science at Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science, currently Visiting researcher at Tallinn University of Technology
  • Hannah Brejnholt, Senior Financing for Development Advisor in Oxfam IBIS Denmark, and the Nordic Alliance for Tax Justice
  • Chair: Lisa Sivertsen, Director of Department, Policy and Society, Norwegian Church AidMore speakers TBA

Register here: https://taxjustice.no/artikkel/report-launch-quality-tax-aid

The report is part of the project ”Nordic cooperation on tax and transparency”, with financial support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and contributions from the Nordic Alliance for Tax Justice (NATJ). NATJ is a collaboration between Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish civil society organisations: ActionAid Denmark, Diakonia Sweden, Finnish Development NGOs Fingo, Norwegian Church Aid, NTL (Norway), Oxfam IBIS Denmark, Oxfam Sweden and Tax Justice Network – Norway.