Tid: 25/03/2022 13:00 til 25/03/2022 15:00

Sted: SDU Odense, Room O 96 (konferencen)

Arrangør: FAU ‐ Foreningen af Udviklingsforskere i Danmark og Center for Mellemøststudier, SDU

Seminar: Exploring the link between research and policy formulation in the Global South


  • Dalia A. Conde Ass. Professor, Inst. of biology, SDU: “The impact of the Species360 conservation science alliance on global policy”
  • Frederik Schaltz‐Buchholzer Post Doc, Health, SDU: “Research on the BCG vaccine in Guinea‐Bissau ‐ policy changes so far and the potential for much more”
  • Marianne S. Ulriksen, Ass. Professor, Pol. science, SDU: “Studying domestic political interests: (limited) impact of research on tax policy in Africa”

Moderator and intro: Martin Hvidt, Ass. Professor, Middle East Studies, SDU / FAU

All are welcome.

Join the seminar via zoom at this link.