Tid: 21/03/2018 14:00 til 21/03/2018 16:00

Sted: Applebys Plads 7, 1411 København K

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Hvordan kan fintech forbedre bistands- og udviklingsarbejdet (København)

Fintech er kort fortalt virksomheder, der benytter moderne teknologi og innovation til at konkurrere mod/med traditionelle finansielle institutioner og mellemled indenfor finansielle services.




New innovative fintech solutions can become a significant contribution to creating a better and more sustainable world.

In this roundtable session we explore the possibilities for fintechsolutions to improve and accelerate the aid & development work by Danida and Danish NGO’s.


14.00-14.10: Introduction of Copenhagen Fintech – Simon Schou

14.10-14.20: A short presentation of participants – what is your view on Fintech and development aid? How do you work with it now?

14.20-14.35: Fintech solution with impact on aid and development. Small pitches by invited fintech startups – E.g. November 1st, Puut Wallet, Bancore, Chainalysis, Block, Transferwire, Penstable, Hive Online, M-payg, Coinify, Sseguku, Pangea Funds, Coders Trust etc.

14.35-14.50: The Danida perspective on development work, challenges and possible fintech solutions: techvelopment! – Laura Sørensen Topp, Humanitarian Action, Migration and Civil Society, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Danmark.

14.50-15.05: The aid agencies perspectives on development work, challenges and possible fintech solutions: techvelopment! (Save the Children, Red Cross, Danish Refugee council, DanChurchAid) – Christer Lænkholm, Senior Humanitarian Adviser, DanChurchAid.

15.05-15.15: Pause/networking

15.15-15.30: Introduction to a case with collaboration between Fintech and Danish Aid & Development work – M-Payg

15.30-15.45: Blockchain in Development – Accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals with exponential technologies – Marianne Haahr

15.45-16.00: Debate on Fintech solutions, aid & development and future collaboration

16.00-16.30: Networking

If you are interested in the event, please contact either

Laura Sørensen
[email protected]
+45 30 16 10 29


Simon Schou
[email protected]
+45 24 79 11 28