

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Køn, konflikt og vold i Afrika

Time: Wednesday 8 December at 2 – 4 pm (14 – 16)

Venue: Centre of African Studies, Købmagergade 46, 4 th, Kbn K

With Maria Eriksson Baaz, Robin May Schott and Signe Arnfred

Moderator: Amanda Hammar, Centre of African Studies

Time: Wednesday 8 December at 2 – 4 pm (14 – 16)

Venue: Centre of African Studies, Købmagergade 46, 4 th, Kbn K

With Maria Eriksson Baaz, Robin May Schott and Signe Arnfred

Moderator: Amanda Hammar, Centre of African Studies

The seminar will focus on dilemmas, biases and blind spots in current conceptualizations of gender and SGBV (Sexual and Gender Based Violence) in Africa with a point of departure in two new publications from the Nordic Africa Institute in Uppsala.

Maria Eriksson Baaz, the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala will discuss key ideas in the report “The Complexity of Violence. A critical analysis of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)”, which she has co-authored with Maria Stern.

Robin May Schott, Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen, will comment on the report.

Signe Arnfred, Roskilde University, Department for Society and Globalization/Centre for Gender, Power and Diversity, will join the discussion based on aspects from the book “African Feminist Politics of Know ledge. Tensions, Challenges, Possibilities”, which she has co-edited with Akosua Adomako Ampofo.

The two publications will be for sale at the event.

The Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala and Centre of African Studies, Copenhagen

Yderligere oplysninger hos:
Susanne Linderos, Information Manager
The Nordic Africa Institute
P O Box 1703, SE -75147 Uppsala, Sweden
Tlf. 0046 18 56 22 06 (direct) and 0046 18 56 22 00 (exchange)
Visitiors’ Address: Kungsgatan 38, 753 21 Uppsala
Web: www.nai.uu.se
The Nordic Africa institute serves as a research, documentation and information centre on modern Africa in the Nordic countries.