Tid: 22/02/2020 11:00 til 22/02/2020 11:30

Sted: Den Internationale Højskole, Montebello Allé 1, 3000 Helsingør

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar om klima og bæredygtighed (Helsingør)

How do we achieve a sustainable society, where climate change is addressed in a responsible way justifiable to future generations? Spend a day at the International People’s College focusing on climate change from different perspectives – all focusing on what we can do to change the society to a greener and more sustainable one.

Sign up for the seminar here

Professor Poul Erik Morthorst

What is a Green Society? How do we build it? What are the main obstacles in changing the current society to one focusing and relying on renewable energy?

To set the scene for the seminar Professor Poul Erik Morthorst, will speak about a greener society – what is it characterized by? And how do we build it? What are the main obstacles in changing our current society to one with up to 100 % renewable energy? Poul Erik Morthorst is Professor of Energy and Head of Department at DTU’s Management Engineering Department. Areas of research include the integration of renewable energy in the Danish heating and energy systems as well as being instruments for the regulation of energy and environmental challenges. Furthermore, he is a council member of the Danish Council on Climate Change.

Lecturer and Politician Theresa Scavenius

The Political Road towards a Green Society

To enlighten us about the political road towards a green society, Politician and Lector, Theresa Scavenius, will tell about her work with climate issues on a political level. Theresa Scavenius is an expert in climate policies and green transition. She has a Ph.D. and is doing research in climate policy and democracy at Aalborg University’s department in Copenhagen, where she is also employed as a lecturer. Theresa Scavenius has written several books about climate change, among them “Political Responsibility and Climate Change” and is a leading member of the Danish green party “The Alternative”, which is represented in the Danish Parliament.

Teachers Mette Skamris and Gertrud Tinning, students at the International People’s College

Action and insights focusing on Climate Change from the students’ perspectives

Mette Skamris and Gertrud Tinning both teach classes focusing on environmental sustainability at The International People’s College. They will facilitate a session in the afternoon focusing on how the class “The Green Activists’ ” works with climate change. The students will present cases. Sustainability is a core value at The International People’s College, where the school focuses on climate change in everyday life both when it comes to the classes offered, extra curriculum activities, events etc.

The Green Student Movement, Andelsgaarde

Social Mobilization for Climate Change and Perspectives and Learnings from the union Andelsgaarde

We will furthermore focus on social mobilization for climate change. Visitors from The Green Student Movement in Denmark will share their take on activism including demonstrations, social media, community and eco-lobbyism. The union Andelsgaarde will close the seminar by telling us about their work in making Denmark greener. Andelsgaarde buys farms all over Denmark, converting them to sustainable “green” farms, which members of the union will manage. ‘Andelsgaarde’ started in the spring 2018 and got more than 300 members within the first couple of weeks. In spring 2019 the union had more than 1200 members.


11:00 – 11:15: Welcome, songs referring to the climate, Principal Søren Launbjerg

11:15 – 12:40: What is a Green Society? How do we build it? What are the main obstacles in changing the current society to one focusing and relying on renewable energy? Professor, Poul Erik Morthorst

12:40 – 13:00: Short Break

13:00 – 14:20: The Political Road towards a Green Society, Lecturer and Politician, Theresa Scavenius

14:20 – 14:50: Coffee and sandwiches

14:50 – 15:30: Action and insights focusing on Climate Change from the students’ perspectives, Teachers Mette Skamris and Gertrud Tinning, students at the International People’s College.

15:30 – 15:40: Short Break

15:40 – 16:45: Social Mobilization for Climate Change and Perspectives and Learnings from the union Andelsgaarde, The Green Student Movement, Andelsgaarde

16:45 – 17:00: – Farewell

Practical information

The seminar is on the 22nd of February 2020 starting at 11 a.m. at the International People’s College, Montebello Allé 1, 3000 Helsingør.

The price to attend the seminar is 150 DKK – 75 DKK for students and pensioners. You can buy brunch at the school at 10.00 o’clock by paying 100 DKK extra per person. You pay for the seminar by transferring money to account number 5050 1287184 (Jyske Bank) or pay  cash or by credit card at the school when you arrive.

The seminar will be in English.

Sign up for the seminar here