Tid: 02/11/2021 15:15 til 02/11/2021 16:45

Sted: Centre for Health and Society (CSS), Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 Copenhagen K. Room 2.0.63

Arrangør: N/A

Sexual and reproductive health and rights in Nigeria

What does a community do when a woman is heavily hemorrhaging after a complicated birth if their village is six hours away from the nearest health clinic?

What does a woman do when going into labor uncertain whether the nearest health clinic is open, whether a skilled midwife is there and whether she can be referred to emergency services should complications arise.

How does a fourteen-year-old girl – who may already be married – get access to modern contraception and relevant counselling on method choice?

How can a woman come to accept contraceptive use again, if she has discontinued use due to unwanted side effects?

These are just a few examples of the real-life situations that girls and women find themselves in every day in poor countries among rural populations. Major challenges remain in ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health services and too often health interventions focus on the population as a homogeneous group. This means that the most vulnerable are too often excluded and underserved.

Ulla Müeller, UNFPA Representative in Nigeria, joins us to discuss the current situation for sexual and reproductive health and rights in Nigeria – what challenges lie ahead and how can they be met?


15.15 Welcome by the Director of University of Copenhagen’s School of Global Health, Flemming Konradsen.

15.20 Case 1: Family planning – unmet need for contraception

15.40 Case 2: Child Birth – maternal health

16.00 Sexual and reproductive health and rights in Nigeria by Ulla Elisabeth Mueller.

16.20 Q&A

16.35 Drinks and networking.

Sign up linkhttps://globalhealth.ku.dk/events/2021/sexual-and-reproductive-health-and-rights-in-nigeria/registration/

Organizer: UNFPA, SDG Talks and University of Copenhagen’s School of Global Health

The event is in English, open to the public and the venue is wheelchair accessible.