Tid: 24/11/2020 15:00 til 24/11/2020 16:30

Sted: Online

Arrangør: N/A

Violence Against Women in Politics: Book launch and panel discussion (online)

The new book “Violence Against Women in Politics” traces attacks, intimidations and harassment that women face all over the globe when making their mark on politics – even where we still do not expect it. Join us for this discussion of experiences and solutions.

Women encounter multiple obstacles when making their mark in politics, including attacks, intimidation, and harassment aimed at discouraging their political participation. In her new book, Violence against Women in Politics (Oxford University Press, 2020), Mona Lena Krook traces these emerging global discussions, outlines how this problem is different from other forms of violence in public life, and shares emerging solutions being developed in various parts of the globe.

This event will feature a launch of the book, together with presentations and a panel discussion with politicians and practitioners, who will share their experiences and initiatives to tackle violence against women active in the political world.

15.00-15.05 – Welcome and introduction – Lisbeth Pilegaard, Executive Director of the Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy (DIPD)
15.05-15.25 – Female politicians from Bhutan, Zambia and South Africa share experiences
15.25-15.45 – Violence Against Women in Politics – Mona Lena Krook
15.45-16.15 – Questions and debate
16.15-16.30 – Closing remarks

About the book.

Register for the event here.

This event is organised in cooperation with Olof Palme International Center and Demo Finland.