Tid: 13/04/2021 09:30 til 13/04/2021 12:00

Sted: Online

Arrangør: N/A

Webinar about Savings Groups and Fintech

Digitalization is everywhere, and Africa is no exception. Digitalization and FinTech present new opportunities for reaching remote areas, including providing financial services to the poorest but also risks of excluding the less digital literate.

How can the social structures and qualities of savings still be kept in a digital age?

This webinar presents different solutions to digitalising VSLA’s and discuss how these might further financial inclusion of marginalised communities.

Sign up: Send mail to [email protected]

Henrik Kähler, FAHU Foundation
FAHU Foundation presents fresh results from research amongst practitioners working with VSLA and Fintech and have an insightful list of opportunities and risks linked to Fintech. Research is undertaken with American PCI.

CARE / Chomoka
CARE is supporting the Chomoka digital platform to roll out in Tanzania.

Charlotte Rønje, Jamii.One
Jamii.one uses technology to unlock the potential of community saving around the world.

DCA / Ensibuuko
DanChurchAid in Uganda has developed the digital Mobis solution together with local tech partner Ensibuuko, testing with several hundred VSLA’s.

Hugh Allen
The VSLA and SAVIX pioneer, will offer comments.

You can also meet: Jonas Engberg, CARE; Karin Wied-Thomsen, DCA, and Kristine Kaaber Pors, DFM