Tid: 04/03/2020 13:00 til 04/03/2020 16:00

Sted: Globalt Fokus, Rysensteensgade 3, 1564 København, Fællessalen

Arrangør: N/A

Workshop: Localisation in Practice – Complementarity and meaningful participation of national and local actors in formal coordination mechanisms (København)

Most people associate humanitarian responders with large multinational organisations such as the UN, or well-known international NGOs.

It is often overlooked that local and national organisations, family members in-country and abroad, neighbours and local communities, are frequently not only the first responders to a crisis, but also continuously support people and communities after the immediate phase of an emergency or in the face of a protracted crisis. It is widely acknowledged that stronger and more inclusive coordination between international and national/local actors promotes complementarity and enhances effectiveness.

In this third event under the ‘Localization in Practice’ project we take a closer look at complementarity between national/local and international humanitarian organisations in formal coordination mechanisms and other decision-making processes, including the meaningful participation of women-led organisations.

The workshop will provide an insight into current practices along with concrete steps for how INGOs can be more mindful of complementarity and better support the inclusion and participation of local actors in humanitarian systems.

Informed by recent research and practices an experienced panel will discuss the following questions:

  • How do international, national and local humanitarian coordination interlink and support each other?

  • What does complementarity mean for the international humanitarian system’s work with accountability, inclusion and participation of national and local responders?

  • How inclusive are coordination mechanisms? What are main drivers for inclusion or exclusion? And what does stronger inclusion and participation in coordination bring for the affected populations?

Please register on the following link. Any questions may be directed to [email protected]

Arranged by: Globalt Fokus, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Oxfam IBIS and Red Barnet