

Arrangør: N/A

Workshop: Når unge skal lære at forfægte deres rettigheder til uddannelse

Time: Tuesday 7. december at 09.30 – 17.00 hours

Venue: IBIS, Nørrebrogade 68 B, 3. sal, 2200 Kbn N

BEMÆRK: Registration: By November 29th at the latest.

Workshop organised by Uddannelsesnetværket & Børne- og Ungdomsnetværket


Time: Tuesday 7. december at 09.30 – 17.00 hours

Venue: IBIS, Nørrebrogade 68 B, 3. sal, 2200 Kbn N

BEMÆRK: Registration: By November 29th at the latest.

Workshop organised by Uddannelsesnetværket & Børne- og Ungdomsnetværket


Many NGOs in the South are involved in promoting skills development for young people and adults – mostly in the form of providing training programs and initiatives aimed at this target group. NGO initiatives are often innovative and suited to reach marginalised and vulnerable groups, and thus giving them a chance to obtain either employment or self-employment.

However, NGOs are increasingly realising that only providing TVSD is not enough to generate enough capacity of disadvantaged adolescent and youth to make effective choices in life. The capacity of adolescent and youth and the opportunity structure surrounding them, decide the degree of space they have for making effective choices.

Therefore, NGOs also need to support and develop initiatives to empower young people to advocate for their rights to relevant training and education and give them both tools and confidence to actively engage in their societies.


The main thrust of the workshop will be to contribute to building the capacity of Danish NGOs to engage in advocacy for TVSD in the South.

The workshop sets out by looking at how to strengthen and empower youth and adolescents at local and community level. We move on to discuss possible strategies to influence national TVSD and youth policies – and in particular how to build strong links between the work at local and national level.

The workshop will include practical examples of how to emphasise the sources and components of capability for adolescent and youth in Save the Children Denmark supported programme intervention.


Obaidur Rahman, Technical Advisor for Save the Children Denmark in Bangladesh. Obaidur Rahman joined Save the Children in January 2002, previous to that he worked for the ILO and UNDP. He did his Masters in Development Studies and MSS in International Relations.

Besides that he has post graduate diplomas on develpment planning and human rights. His assocation with development sector started in 1995.


9.30 AM
Welcome and introduction to the workshop

9.45 AM
Target Group and Identifying Advocacy issues in Education Presentation, Brain storming Basic understanding of the target group oriented advocacy issue .

10.45 AM
Successful cases of local level advocacy: Factors of success Presentation, Brain storming, Group Work Knowledge about the success factors of advocacy

12.00 PM

1.00 PM
Grass-roots level people mobilization and advocacy: successful cases in introducing Code of Conduct at community level Presentation, Brain storming Knowledge about grass-root level people mobilization

2.00 PM
National Level Policy Advocacy: Success factors Presentation and discussion Knowledge about sucess factors in National level Policy advocacy

3.00 PM
Coffee Break

3.15 PM
Building the bridges from Local to National Level: Factors for Consideration Presentation , Brain storming Ability to build the bridges from local to national level advocacy

4.00 PM
Summarizing the day Reflect and revisit Understanding of Advocacy for TVSD


Participation in the workshop is free for member organisations in the two networks (staff, volunteers and members of the organisations). If you are member of one of these organisations, kindly indicate that when registering.

Others are welcome to take part in the workshop and will have to pay a fee of 250 Danish kroner.

Payment should be made by November 29th at the latest into IBIS account in Nordea: 2191 5497-220-744. Payment should be made with indication of your name and the reference EI 07-12-10.