Kasteskyts og tåregas ved klimademonstration i Paris

Thomas Jazrawi

29. november 2015

PARIS: Frankrig har erklæret landet i undtagelsestilstand efter de blodige terrorangreb d. 13. november. Det betyder, at mange af de planlagte demonstrationer i forbindelse med klimatopmødet COP21 er blevet forbudt.

Alligevel har myndighederne givet tilladelse til flere manifestationer søndag i Paris, mens titusinder har været på gaden i forbindelse med den globale klimmarch. 

En uanmeldt demonstration endte imidlertid i uro ved Place de la Republique, centralt i Paris. 

Globalnyts udsendte skulle faktisk blot passere pladsen omkring kl. 14.30. Der så demonstrationen ganske fredelig ud, men lige på det tidspunkt begyndte demonstranter og politi at udveksle hhv. kasteskyts og tåregas. 

Pladsen var i forvejen omringet af politifolk, der var massivt til stede ved alle indgangsveje til pladsen. 

Umiddelbart så det ud til, at der var omkring 1000 demonstranter og nogle hundrede politifolk. 

Flere fredelige manifestationer

Der har været flere fredelige manifestationer, som myndighederne har tilladt. Tidligt på dagen lagde Avaaz tusinder af sko ud på hele Place de la Republique for at symbolisere det manglende fremmøde.

Foto: Sean Hawkey, World Council of Chruches

Derefter dannede tusinder af personer en “menneskekæde” ned af Boulevard Voltaire, der begynder ved Place de la Republique. 

Her er en erklæring fra 350.org om dagens hændelser: 

Today, the climate movement organized two peaceful demonstrations in Paris. In the morning, the advocacy group Avaaz displayed thousands of shoes Parisians donated to “march” in their place after the French authorities banned the Paris Climate March.

Shortly after, thousands of people formed a human chain along Boulevard Voltaire, beginning just outside of Place de Republique and stretching down to Place de la Nation. According to the Agence France Presse, nearly 10,000 parents, children, front line communities, and activists from around the world took part in the peaceful demonstration calling for climate justice. The event ended without incident just before 1:00pm.

A separate demonstration then took place in Place de Republique. The protest involved some parts of the climate movement in France. For over an hour, this unpermitted demonstration took place peacefully, without confrontation with the police or other security forces.

Starting around 2:30pm, a small group of protesters unaffiliated with the climate movement arrived at Republique and began to clash with the police there, violating the nonviolent pledge that every group involved in the climate coalition here in France has agreed to. Police responded with tear gas and pepper spray. The protest dispersed by around 3:45pm.

350.org France Campaigner Nicolas Haeringer issued the following statement on the incident:

“The human chain that stretched along Boulevard Voltaire was a beautiful and powerful event, the type of mobilization that should be allowed to continue in Paris while the climate talks are underway and beyond. We will stand against any attempts by the French authorities to use the incidents this afternoon to unnecessarily clamp down on civil liberties and prevent the types of demonstrations that are at the heart of any democracy and climate progress.”

Activists will continue to find creative ways to make their voices heard throughout the climate talks in Paris over the coming weeks.