Kina i clinch med miljøorganisation om illegalt træ

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Kinas tømmerproducenter kritiserer en rapport, der har stemplet Kina som verdens største importør af illegalt træ. De mener, at rapporten ikke anerkender Kinas tiltag mod den ulovlige tømmerhandel. Nu svarer rapportens ophavsmænd igen.

The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) formally notes the January 2013 Statement issued by the China Timber & Wood Products Distribution Association (CTWPDA) in response to EIA’s November 2012 report “Appetite for Destruction: China’s Illegal Timber Trade”, writes Environmental Investigation Agency in a press release Tuesday.

EIA welcomes the CTWPDA intervention, and in the interests of dialogue wishes to respond.

The CTWPDA claims EIA’s report was biased (ensidig) and overstated, and that it does not adequately recognize efforts in China to reduce illegal logging and the associated illegal timber trade. EIA stands by its findings, based on detailed research and investigations.

However, EIA is encouraged that the CTWPDA statement does acknowledge the issues outlined in Appetite for Destruction are of concern, and notes the references made to various initiatives launched in China to resolve the issue.

Further, EIA agrees with the CTWPDA’s position that “China’s combat against illegal logging and associated trade should focus on … avoiding illegal timber import[s]” into China. Working to eliminate illegal timber imports is the core goal of EIA’s forest campaign in consuming nations, including China, which would appear to support a stated goal of the CTWPDA.

However, there do seem to be differences of opinion on how to eliminate the illegal timber trade in China. While CTWPDA believes that industry initiatives alone can solve the problem of China’s illicit trade in timber, EIA contends that government intervention is needed.

EIA’s report made one core recommendation: calling on the Chinese government for legislation prohibiting illegal timber in the Chinese market.

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