Kinas lange skygge og Obama – lovede Afrika milliarder

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Præsidentens Afrika-tur stod i investeringernes og samhandelens tegn, mens han lovede flere milliarder dollars til nye el-net over hele kontinentet – dog uafklaret hvor mange af pengene, der er “ny” (ekstra) bistand.

In 2009, during Barack Obama’s first term in the White House, China overtook the US as the world’s biggest investor in Africa, BBC online writes in an analysis Tuesday as the President was wrapping up his African tour.

So now, as he made his first extended visit to the continent, President Obama’s message was in essence: “Let us do business.”

The centrepiece of the visit was the announcement of a new initiative, dubbed “Power Africa”.

Mr Obama used an address in South Africa on Sunday to pledge 7 billion US dollar (38,5 milliarder DKR) of US government money to bring “light where currently there is darkness”.

“Electricity is the lifeline for families to meet their most basic needs, and it is the connection that is needed to plug Africa into the grid of the global economy”, Mr. Obama stressed.

At the US-owned Ubungo plant on the outskirts of Dar es Salaam Obama said, that “this plant represents the public-private partnership we want to replicate across the continent.”

“This is a win win. It is a win for Africans: Families get to electrify their homes; businesses can run their plants; all this will make economies grow.”

“It is a win for the United States because the investments made here, including in cleaner energy, means more exports for the US and more jobs in the US.”

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