Kritisk forhandlingsrunde om dagsorden 2030 skudt i gang

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Verdens ledere skal godkende den nye globale udviklingsdagsorden på et topmøde i New York til september. Det diplomatiske forarbejde går nu ind i en ny og mere afgørende runde i FN-regi – delvis under dansk ledelse. 

NEW YORK, 19 January 2015 (UN News Service): Senior United Nations officials underlined the importance of the intergovernmental negotiations that got under way at UN Headquarters in New York Monday aimed at finalizing the post-2015 development agenda (dagsorden 2030), as they addressed the General Assembly.

Fohandlingerne foregår under delvis dansk ledelse – se telegrammet

“Today marks the beginning of critical intergovernmental negotiations to finalize the post-2015 development agenda,” said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

He spoke alongside the President of the General Assembly, Sam Kutesa, and the President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Martin Sajdik.

(Mogens Lykketoft overtager præsidentstolen for generalforsamlingen til august-september, red.)

“The world is watching and expectations are high”

Stressing that Member States have the “extraordinary opportunity – and the responsibility” to

* adopt an inspiring set of sustainable development goals,

* ensure their adequate financing,

* address climate change and rigorously monitor progress leading to the planned-for transformation,

Mr. Ban encouraged the Assembly to take advantage of a ‘seminal year’ to kick-start a new era of global sustainability.

He said it was time to realize the promise of the UN Charter: “to reaffirm faith in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small” and drew attention to his synthesis report, “The Road to Dignity by 2030: Ending Poverty, Transforming All Lives and Protecting the Planet”.

The report is designed to help guide negotiations by framing and bringing clarity to the post-2015 development agenda, through six essential elements: dignity, people, prosperity, planet, justice and partnership.

The Secretary-General looked ahead to meetings in Addis Ababa to pave the ground for bold actions on financing and the global partnership for sustainable development, in New York to adopt the post-2015 development agenda and sustainability goals, and in Paris to adopt a legal framework for a climate change agreement (COP 21).

“Robust global partnership is needed”

As States embarked upon negotiation of the agenda’s final parameters, Mr. Ban said it was clearly necessary that it should include a compelling and principled narrative, based on human rights and human dignity, and that the Sustainable Development Goals should be at its core.

Robust global partnership was needed to mobilize financing and other means of implementation and monitoring should be central.

“Let us demonstrate global citizenship, foresight, moral courage and political leadership as we reach final agreement on plans to support people, communities, societies and our beautiful planet,” he said, promising the support of the whole UN system throughout the process.

Mr. Kutesa said the meeting was a chance to exchange views on the inputs for the negotiations, including that synthesis report and the proposal on the Sustainable Development Goals.

“With the proposed [sustainable development goals], it is now clear what Member States would like the post-2015 development agenda to achieve,” he said.

Adding that the focus on poverty eradication indicated that the agenda could be truly transformative.

“In the coming months, Member States and stakeholders will consider how they intend to achieve these ambitious goals and targets”, noted he.

This time the targets are universal

One aspect that will clearly differentiate the post-2015 development era centred on the sustainable development goals from the MDG (2015 Målenes) era is that the newer targets are designed to be holistic and universal.

States would have to ensure mobilization of adequate means of implementation, in the form of financial resources, technology development and transfer, and capacity building.

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Begynd fra: “The agenda we formulate should put people at….”