Laos: Insektfarme måske vejen frem til mere proteinrig kost i Asien

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Satsning på indtagelse af spiselige insekter i Laos kan bidrage med vigtige proteiner i ellers proteinfattig kost, siger sundhedseksperter, som forsøger at skabe regionale standarder for insektproduktion, -høst og -indtagelse, skriver IRIN News onsdag.

VIENTIANE: Working with the Laotian Health Ministry, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) launched an “edible insects project” in Laos in 2010 with a two-year budget of US$475,000 to boost insect production and harvesting for consumption.

Scheduled to end in April 2013, the project aims to provide poor households with an affordable, culturally-acceptable, protein-rich food complement. It has trained 120 farmers to breed house crickets, weaver ants and palm weevils (common edible insects of choice among Laotians), as well as mealworms which had only been used as animal feed but FAO now wants to introduce as human food.

Weaver ants are semi-bred on trees before they are fed additional food, while the other insects are bred inside special containers at the National University of Laos in the capital Vientiane.

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