Lille arabisk olieland fratager aktivister deres statsborgerskab

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Forfatter billede

Bahrain fratog onsdag 31 politiske aktivister deres statsborgerskab. De er nu statsløse og Amnesty International kalder det i en presseudtalelse et voldsomt angreb på kritikere af styret i ø-nationen i Den persiske Havbugt.

A Bahrani Ministry of Interior statement indicated that the group, including politicians, activists and religious figures, had their nationality revoked because they had caused “damage to state security”.

The ruling means that those members of the group who only held Bahraini nationality are now stateless.

“The authorities have provided the vaguest of reasons for the deprivation of nationality, which appears to have been taken on the basis of the victims’ political views,” said Philip Luther, Amnesty International’s director for the Middle East and North Africa.

“Most worryingly, the authorities are making some in the group stateless. This, as well as any arbitrary deprivation of nationality, is prohibited under international law.

“We urgently call on the Bahraini authorities to rescind this frightening and chilling decision.”

The Ministry of Interior statement referred to Bahrain’s Citizenship Law, which “permits the revocation of nationality” by order of the King if a citizen “causes damage to state security”.

Among the 31 people sentenced are Jawad and Jalal Fairouz, who were previously arrested for allegedly participating in anti-government protests in 2011, and Ali Hassan Mshaima – the son of opposition activist and prisoner of conscience Hassan Mshaima.


Der blev opdaget olie på Bahrain i 1932 og siden har ø-nationen været præget af velstanden fra det sorte guld. De 1,3 millioner indbyggere er i dag blandt verdens rigeste, men demokratiske tilstande lader meget tilbage at ønske.

Yderligere oplysninger hos:
Pressemedarbejder Oliver de Mylius
Amnesty Danmark, Tlf. 24 44 29 97
E-mail: [email protected]

Yderligere oplysninger også hos:
Amnesty International’s spokespersons at the press office in London
on +44 20 74 13 55 66 or e-mail: [email protected]