Søndag eftermiddag dansk tid begynder vælgerne at stemme i det fattige mellemamerikanske land både om en ny præsident, et nyt parlament og holder samtidig lokalvalg. Ligesom ved kommunal- og regionsvalget herhjemme forleden kan du følge tæt med i valget i det fjerne land på internettet.
This Sunday, (den uafhængige tænketank) Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) will be live-blogging Honduras’ presidential, legislative and municipal elections, CEPR writes in a press release.
The Americas Blog (se neden for) will be in touch with US and Honduran civil society groups monitoring the electoral process in different parts of the country.
CEPR will be tracking media coverage throughout the day, as well as statements from the political campaigns, electoral observation missions from the Organization of American States, the European Union and the US-based Carter Center, and other sources.
These are Honduras’ first elections since the controversial 2009 vote held less than five months after a coup d’Etat deposed democratically elected president Manuel Zelaya.
While the last elections were boycotted by opposition groups, this Sunday’s presidential candidates include Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, wife of the former president and one of the leaders of a new party – LIBRE – which emerged from the mass movement of resistance to the 2009 coup.
Members of the US Congress, human rights groups and others have expressed concern about violent attacks targeting candidates and their families and question whether these elections will be truly free, fair and transparent.
CEPR has live blogged past elections in the region, including Haiti’s 2010 elections and Venezuela’s 2012 and 2013 elections.
This Sunday’s elections in Honduras are widely regarded as pivotal (afgørende) to the country’s political future and will be closely monitored by governments throughout Latin America.
CEPR is also keeping close track of developments throughout the day.Readers can follow the regular updates that will be posted on the Americas Blog.
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