Nepal: Politisk hårdknude gør livet endnu hårdere for menigmand

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Almindelige borgere, der i forvejen dårligt kan skaffe til dagen og vejen, lider under den fastlåste politisk situation efter at Himalaya-landet nu har stået uden en handlekraftig regering i over fem år.

KATHMANDU, 30 May 2012 (IRIN): Most Nepalese face an uncertain economic future and the possibility of political unrest after Nepal’s Constituent Assembly (CA) failed to agree on a new constitution on 27 May.

“I am really worried about the rise in prices, which is already too much for us. I was hoping for the first time that things would improve here,” Laxmi Chettri, who works in a hotel and is the sole support of her bed-ridden husband and two children, told IRIN.

“Where can I go for help now? Who do we turn to?,” asked Shanta Tamang, 30, who migrated to the capital, Kathmandu, to find work.

She can barely feed her three children on the less than 30 US dollar per month she earns as a cleaner.

Nepal plunged deeper into political crisis when the 601-member CA, tasked with drafting the next constitution, failed to reach an agreement on the contentious (omstridte) issue of federalism in the Himalayan nation’s future, and missed the fourth deadline since the CA was established in 2008.

There has been no effective government for more than five years since a decade-long civil war between Maoist and government forces, which left over 13.000 people dead, ended in 2006.

In response, Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai, a member of the dominant Maoist party, called for fresh elections to be held in November 2012, a move that was strongly opposed and led to calls for his resignation.

“We are seriously concerned about the prime minister’s unilateral decision to call for elections,” said Jhalnath Khanal, chairman of the Unified Marxist Leninist (UML) party.

Poor most affected

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