Nepal vil hædre 15 danskere for “deres kærlighed” til Himalaya-landet


Nepals ambassade i Danmark foretager et usædvanligt fremstød, idet man vil hædre 15 udvalgte danske bjergbestigere og andre Nepal-freaks med en særlig medalje, en reception og middag for “deres kærlighed” til Himalaya-landet.

Begivenheden finder sted mandag den 18. maj, fremgår det af en annonce indrykket i Berlingske Tidende forleden.

Det hedder videre på ambassadens webste:

Notice to Honour Danish Mountaineers and Tourism Promoters

The Embassy of Nepal in Denmark is organizing a Tourism Programme on 18 May 2009 to honour Danish nationals who have:

– climbed Nepali Himalayas/mountains (8 persons will be selected according to number and height of mountains they have climbed)

– visited Nepal several times and several places (three persons)

– written books/articles (travel write-ups) etc. on Nepalese tourism (two persons)

– contributed Nepalese tourism through other/different activities like fairs, charitable functions, financial support for tourism related organizations etc.(two persons)

Selection criteria: The Embassy will have sole right to set criteria and select the persons. Altogether 15 persons will be selected as per the documents/proofs they provide.

Programme summary: Honoring by offering special plaque and certificates by the Ambassador, and brief interaction programme followed by reception and dinner.

The Embassy would, therefore, like to request to all Danish national who can meet the above-mentioned criteria to contact in the following address with adequate documents/proofs before 30 April 2009.

Those who died while climbing the Himalayan mountains in Nepal their spouses are requested to contact to receive honour.

Contact Details:
The Embassy of Nepal
Svanemøllevej 92
2900, Hellerup
Tel 44 44 40 43 or website