Nepals maoister vil ikke lade sig afvæbne – indtil videre

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Foto: Kevin Carter/Getty Images

Maoist rebels in Nepal will not lay down arms until elections are held for a body which will draw up a new constitution, BBC Online reports Wednesday.

A rebel spokesman said they were ready to demobilise their fighters but would not disarm them at the moment. His statement came a day after Nepals home minister said the government would not share power with the rebels until they had given up their weapons.

Both sides clinched a landmark power-sharing deal last week. As part of the agreement, the government said it would dissolve parliament and set up an interim government that would include the Maoists.

However there are concerns over the move to bring the rebels into an interim administration. This led to Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula issuing a statement on the issue of disarmament.

– The interim government containing the Maoist will be formed only after the management of the rebels arms, Mr. Sitaula is quoted as saying.

The government and the rebels began peace talks last month on resolving the decade-long Maoist insurgency that has left 13.000 people dead. The peace process began after King Gyanendra agreed in April to abandon direct palace rule following weeks of street protests and strikes.

The kings opponents – who had been speaking to Maoist leader Prachanda while out of power – have since formed a transitional government. The new government has released rebels from jail, dropped terrorism charges against them and agreed to the ceasefire, BBC adds.