Nigeria: Præsidenten skriver Facebook roman

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Nigerias præsident Goodluck Jonathan har lavet en Facebook roman, “My Friends and I: Conversation on polls and governance via social networking site”. Hans ide er, at fremme en læsekultur blandt unge.

By Samuel Okocha, AfricaNews

LAGOS, NIGERIA, 21 November 2010: Key public speakers, many of them youths, made statements at the book launch. One of them was the son of late Nigerian author and environmental activist, Ken Saro Wiwa.

“When I was asked what was the greatest gift I got from my father, I said ‘education and book’, in fact, if I add all the books he gave me and the book that I have, I think I have almost close to 1000 in my library.”

Toyosi Akere was another speaker. The young women captivated the audience with her unique voice as she tasked Nigerian youths on the country’s coming elections.

“They say that we are not good, that we are only relevant for them during elections as election rigging machines and political thugs, [but in] 2011, we are going to register, we are going to select, we are going to vote and we are going to protect our votes,” she said amid thunderous cheers from the crowd.