Nigeria vil udlevere Taylor

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Nigeria er nu parat til at udlevere Liberias tidligere leder Charles Taylor, der har levet i eksil siden 2003, skriver DR Online lørdag.

Det fremgik af en erklæring, som blev udsendt fra Nigerias præsident Obasanjos kontor.
Liberias regering har lige siden Taylors flugt krævet ham udleveret. Taylor er anklaget for alvorlige krigsforbrydelser under den blodige borgerkrig i hans hjemland.
Det fremgik ikke af erklæringen, på hvilket tidspunkt Taylor bliver udleveret.

Tilføjelse IRINnews:

Taylor, a former rebel leader, was elected to the Liberian presidency but in August 2003 under international pressure he quit power and took exile in Nigeria. Taylor is wanted by a UN-backed Special Court in Sierra Leone that has charged him with 17 counts of war crimes in that countrys civil war. The counts include supplying rebels with arms in return for diamonds.

Obasanjo had previously said that he would hand Taylor over to Liberia on the request of an elected Liberian president. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is now Liberias first elected president after 14 years of on-off civil war and took office in January.

In Liberia, Sando Johnson a parliamentarian under Taylor, said his former president would not get a fair trial if he is taken to the Special Court in the Sierra Leonean capital, Freetown.

– The Freetown venue will be very hostile to Taylor. We do not think he could get due process of law in that country, Johnson said.

But Aloysius Toe a leading local rights campaigner who was imprisoned under Taylor, said war crimes victims across the region would welcome the decision.

– This is a welcome move by the Nigerian government and it is in the interest of justice across West Africa. His hand-over will give hope to thousands of people who were victims during the bloody civil war in Sierra Leone which Taylor stands accused of facilitating, said Toe.