Nødhjælp når frem til særligt udsatte blandt de 400.000 på flugt i CAR

Laurits Holdt

Kampene i Centralafrikanske Republik har drevet henved 1/10 af befolkningen på flugt. Mange lever uden adgang til de basale fornødenheder, mens sygdomme og voldtægter florerer. UNICEF mangler 21 mio. dollars for at holde sit arbejde kørende året ud.

NEW YORK, 1 October 2013 (UNICEF): UNICEF is delivering emergency assistance to some 5,500 families newly displaced by the recent violence in the northwestern prefectures of the Central African Republic. The majority of the displaced are women and children now living in deplorable conditions with no access to safe water, nor shelter.

Critical supplies provided include safe water, tarpaulins (presenninger), blankets, sleeping mats, jerry cans, and soap. UNICEF has also provided emergency health and nutrition supplies to partners, and more assistance is en route.

The most recent assessments conducted by the United Nations show that there are now close to 400,000 people displaced by the fighting, including around 170,000 who have been uprooted in the violence of recent weeks, many of whom are hiding in the bush out of fear. Over 60,000 have fled to neighboring countries.

The past nine months of lawlessness and insecurity have been disastrous, particularly for children in the Central African Republic.

Measles outbreaks are reported almost everywhere in the country, at least 600 cases have been reported this year. And around 250,000 children have lost out on the last school year.

Forced marriages and sexual violence against young girls is reportedly on the rise, and UNICEF estimates that there are now some 3,500 children associated with armed groups, up from around 2,000 prior to the conflict.

With partners, UNICEF continues to work despite the very difficult conditions to provide life-saving assistance. Mobile teams have been deployed outside the capital Bangui since early July to help restart services in health facilities that had been closed or non-operational for months.

Preparations are underway for a nationwide measles vaccination campaign that was launched on 30 September, aiming to reach 550,000 children between 6 and 59 months old in all districts. UNICEF is also supporting partners to repair water points wherever access is possible.

Funding remains an acute constraint. UNICEF’s 2013 emergency appeal issued before the military takeover of the country has since tripled to $31.9million. UNICEF has so far received about $11 million, leaving a funding gap of $21 million through the end of the year.