Nu flere penge fra privatpersoner end bistandsdonorer til humanitær hjælp


Individuals give NGOs more funds than donors – Private money enables NGOs to plan responses to potential people movements without relying on donor funds

DAKAR, 13 March 2009 (IRIN): NGO private funding outstrips humanitarian financing from some of the worlds largest government donors, says a recent report by UK think-tank Development Initiatives (DI).

But the volatile nature of the private funding base, particularly in periods of economic downturn, worries some NGO fundraisers.

Fifty-one percent of humanitarian funding for 114 NGOs studied comes from private sources.

As a result, an NGO such as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF = Læger uden Grænser)), which channeled 495 million US dollar to emergency response in 2006, outspends the humanitarian budgets of 20 individual government donors, including France, the Netherlands, Germany and Norway.

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