Pakistan afviser 2 milliardlån: Vil nu selv gøre mere for katastroferamte

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Efter kritik af, at Pakistan gør alt for lidt selv for sine millioner af fattige oversvømmelsesramte, lyder der nu andre toner fra den pakistanske regering:

Pakistan has turned down a 2 billion US dollar loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and another 1 billion dollar loan from the World Bank to reconstruct infrastructure destroyed by the devastating floods.

Islamabad has now decided to rebuild “from its own resources”.

Finance Minister Hafeez A. Sheikh has conveyed to both the development banks that the government was not interested in using the loans for rebuilding infrastructure.

He told the banks that Pakistan would prefer to use the approximate amount of 1,5 billion to 2 billion dollar, being received from the UN and other sources, for relief and speedy recovery of the flood-hit areas.

Minister of State for Finance Hina Rabbani Khar confirmed that the “government has changed its policy”.

– We have changed our mind following the meeting of the Friends of Democratic Pakistan held in Brussels and meetings with other development partners, the minister said.

However, the federal government, she said, is yet to take the provinces into confidence over its decision not to use the loans of the ADB and the World Bank.

– After taking the four federating units into confidence, the final decision will be made to this effect, she noted.

According to a source, Islamabad, Khyber-Pakhtunkwha and the Punjab had expressed their opposition to accepting these loans on the offered terms and stated purpose whereas Sindh was the only exception, which supported the loans.

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