I forbindelse med den årlige sammenkomst med det udenlandske diplomatkorps i Danmark, benyttede udviklings- og integrationsminister Søren Pind (V) lejligheden til at forklare, hvordan den nye og meget omtalte toldaftale skal forstås.
I sin tale forklarede Pind blandt andet:
“There are three phases of implementation: In the first phase, the customs control already existing today will be up-graded with 50 (normal) customs officers immediately taking up their duties at strategic places in Denmark. The additional officers will bring Danish customs control up to a level closer to that of our neighbouring countries”.
“During the Fall, the number of new customs officers will be gradually increased to 98 man-years. This is a significant increase, reflecting the Government’s commitment to combat illegal activities. Yet, it must be put in perspective: Denmark has at least 25 border crossings. An additional 98 man-years will not change the fact that Denmark remains a country open to the world”.
“And let me state this: No general or systematic control of all vehicles and trains crossing the border will take place. Traffic is expected to flow fluently, in accordance with Schengen rules. Technically, customs controls will be carried out precisely as today and the objectives remain the same: Focus on illegal goods and items. No control of persons or passports is foreseen”.
Herefter gik Søren Pind over til at tale om sit egentlige ærinde, udviklingsbistanden med ordene:
“Now, as Development Minister: Some of you might recall that I labeled myself “Minister for Freedom” when I took office last Spring. Why? Because the noblest task of our development cooperation is to work for freedom of the individual. I have devoted my job to making freedom the key value and aim permeating Denmark’s development cooperation.”
I sin tale fremhævede Pind de historiske begivenhederi Mellemøsten, som verden har været vidne til de seneste måneder. Han fremhævede i den forbindelse regeringens strategi “Freedom from Poverty, Freedom to Change” og sagde, at det at fostre frihed og at give hvert individ en muighed for at tage skæbnen i egen hånd er hovedpræmissen for dansk udviklingssamarbejde.
2010: 0,9 pct. af GNI
Udviklings- og integrationsministeren fremhævede Danmarks førerposition som bistandsaktør og oplyste, at Danmark i 2010 ydede 0,9 procent af GNI i udviklingsbistand og pointerede, at niveauet forventes opretholdt nominelt i 2011-13 til trods for den globale finansielle krise.
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