Regn af sten mod Nepals konge

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

Foto: Kevin Carter/Getty Images

Nepals King Gyanendra came under attack from a stone-throwing crowd as he travelled in a motorcade, BBC online reports Friday.

The monarch, who was on his way to a pilgrimage site in Kathmandu to attend a Hindu festival, escaped unhurt.

Nepals king, traditionally regarded as an incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu, has become highly controversial since assuming absolute power in 2005.

The attack is the first of its kind since he stepped down following nation wide protests in April 2006.

Nepals reinstated parliament has since stripped him of most of his traditional powers as the country gears up for elections in June. The elected parliament is then set to decide the future role of the monarchy or whether it should be abolished.