Rekord-appel fra UNICEF om at hjælpe 60 mio. af verdens børn

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Appellen overgår alt andet til dato og kommer efter et år med dybe kriser og konflikter, som ofte rammer børn hårdt – alene borgerkrigen i Syrien har skabt en million nye flygtningebørn – appellen er en halv milliard dollars højere end sidste år, hvor beløbet endda blev sat i vejret undervejs.

NEW YORK, 21 February 2014 (UN News Service): The United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) has launched a 2,2 billion US dollar (11 milliarder DKR) appeal to help nearly 60 million children in crisis situations, the majority of whom are in and around war-torn Syria.

The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) ‘Humanitarian Action for Children 2014’ is the largest emergency appeal on record. It would aid 85 million people of whom 59 million are children.

“Children are always the most vulnerable group in emergencies, facing a high risk of violence, exploitation, disease and neglect,” said Ted Chaiban, UNICEF’s Director of Emergency Programmes.

The UNICEF appeal outstrips its call early last year for 1,4 billion dollar. The appeal was revised in October to 1,7 billion.

The majority of the funds are destined to tackle the impact of the crisis in Syria and the sub-region.

Almost 40 per cent. some 835 million dollar, will be earmarked for immunizations, as well as water and sanitation, education, and protection projects.

The UN agency said the aid would also “support the social cohesion (sammenhængskraft) and peace-building skills needed to build a more sustainable future”.

“Unævnelige lidelser” for børn i Syrien

Children have been subjected to “unspeakable” suffering in Syria in the nearly three years of civil war, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a report shared earlier this month with the Security Council.

Findings in the analysis show that the Government and allied militia are responsible for countless killings, maiming (lemlæstelser) and torture, while the opposition has been recruiting youngsters for combat and using terror tactics in civilian areas.

The funds will also be used to assist children and families in the Central African Republic (CAR) and South Sudan, a conflict area which Mr. Chaiban just visited and which has displaced more than 400.000 children and their families.

“The rainy season is coming and we need to preposition (forhåndslagre) supplies and reinforce essential services, for which we need urgent funding to prevent a catastrophe,” he said.

And have the resources in place to be able to address the issues like malaria, diarrhoeal diseases and the risk of cholera.

In addition, UNICEF will use the appeal for under-funded crises, Mr. Chaiban stressed.

These are Afghanistan, Burma, Colombia, the DR Congo, Somalia and Yemen.

With partners, the UN agency is also working on address challenges in Angola, Haiti and the Sahel, among others.

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