Alle danskere kan læse, nogle bedre og hurtigere end andre, men læse kan vi – sådan er det ikke i talrige lande rundt om på kloden, men nu kan du f.eks. opleve en 101-årig, som fortæller om, hvordan evnen til at læse ændrede hendes tilværelse.
“Get Inspired With the Best Stories Submitted to the GPE Photo Contest”. The Global Partnership for Education has launched the new “Reading Changed My Life e-Album”, writes the World Bank on its website.
Here you can see the best photos submitted to the 2012 Reading Changed My Life Photo and Video Contest.
These inspiring stories about individuals from around the world show how learning to read had a positive impact on their life or the life of someone they know.
The e-Album features inspirational and heartwarming stories about the importance of education.
Some show how individuals had to overcome big challenges to be able to get an education and learn how to read.
You will meet eleven-year-old Kalimuddin from India, who has to bike for miles in order to reach the nearest school.
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