Et enigt Sikkerhedsråd har tirsdag vedtaget en skarpt formuleret resolution om fredsaftalen i Darfur , der bl.a. kræver, at FN får mulighed for at overtage den Afrikanske Unions fredsmission i området.
Resolutionen var foreslået af Danmark sammen med USA, Storbritannien og bl.a. alle de afrikanske lande i Sikkerhedsrådet. Generalsekretæren anmodes om inden en uge at udsende en planlægningsmission til Sudan og fremlægge optioner for en FN operation.
I den forbindelse udtaler udenrigsminister Per Stig Møller (K):
– Jeg er meget tilfreds med den markante beslutning, Danmark har været med til at få på plads i Sikkerhedsrådet. Det er vigtigt, at vi bakker op om AU og de parter, der har vist mod til at indgå de nødvendig kompromisser og underskrive en fredsaftale. Nu gælder det om at fastholde momentum og hurtigt få parterne til at arbejde sammen om gennemførelsen af alle de konkrete elementer, der er fastlagt i aftalen.
– Samtidig må vi gøre det helt klart for dem, der forsøger at forhindre fredsaftalens gennemførelse, at det ikke vil blive tolereret. Sikkerhedsrådet imødekommer dermed et direkte ønske fra den Afrikanske Union (AU), som i går bad FN om at være parat med yderligere sanktioner mod personer eller grupper, der står i vejen for fred i Darfur.
– Resolutionens utvetydige advarsel til Sudan er derfor en støtte til AU og Darfurs befolkning, slutter Per Stig Møller.
Sikkerhedsrådets resolution – den operative del – kan læses her:
Draft UN Resolution on Darfur Mission
The Security Council,
Determining that the situation in the Sudan continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security,
Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,
1. Calls upon the parties to the Darfur Peace Agreement to respect their commitments and implement the agreement without delay, urges those parties that have not signed the agreement to do so without delay and not to act in any way that would impede implementation of the agreement, and expresses its intention to consider taking, including in response to a request by the African Union, strong and effective measures, such as travel ban and asset freeze, against any individual or group that violates or attempts to block the implementation of the Darfur Peace Agreement;
2. Calls upon the African Union to agree with the United Nations, regional and international organizations, and Member States on requirements now necessary, in addition to those identified by the joint assessment mission of December 2005, to strengthen AMIS’s capacity to enforce the security arrangements of the Darfur Peace Agreement, with a view to a follow-on United Nations operation in Darfur;
3. Endorses the decision of the African Union Peace and Security Council in its communiqué of 15 May 2006 that, in view of the signing of the Darfur Peace Agreement, concrete steps should be taken to effect the transition from AMIS to a United Nations operation, calls upon the parties to the Darfur Peace Agreement to facilitate and work with the African Union, the United Nations, regional and international organizations and Member States to accelerate transition to a United Nations operation, and, to this end, reiterating the requests of the Secretary-General and the Security Council, calls for the deployment of a joint African Union and United Nations technical assessment mission within one week of the adoption of this resolution;
4. Stresses that the Secretary-General should consult jointly with the African Union, in close and continuing consultation with the Security Council, and in cooperation and close consultation with the parties to the Darfur Peace Agreement, including the Government of National Unity, on decisions concerning the transition to a United Nations operation;
5. Requests the Secretary-General to submit recommendations to the Council within one week of the return of the joint African Union and United Nations assessment mission on all relevant aspects of the mandate of the United Nations operation in Darfur, including force structure, additional force requirements, potential troop-contributing countries and a detailed financial evaluation of future costs;
6. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.