Skolebørns død udløser krav fra FN om gift-forbud

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Forfatter billede

Brugen af ekstremt giftige midler til insektbekæmpelse som monocrotophos må standses for enhver pris; de fattige bønder i u-landene kan ofte ikke håndtere brugen af den, og det har fået katastrofale konsekvenser – som senest i Indien.

ROME, 30 July 2013: The tragic incident in Bihar, India, where 23 school children died after eating a school meal contaminated (forgiftet) with monocrotophos, is an important reminder to speed up the withdrawal of highly hazardous (farlige) pesticides from markets in developing countries, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said Tuesday.

Monocrotophos is an organophosphorus pesticide that is considered highly hazardous by FAO and the World Health Organization. Experience in many developing countries shows that the distribution and use of such highly toxic products very often poses a serious risk to human health and the environment.

The incident in Bihar underscores that secure storage of pesticide products and safe disposal of empty pesticide containers are risk reduction measures which are just as crucial as more prominent field-oriented steps like wearing proper protective masks and clothing.

The entire distribution and disposal cycle for highly hazardous pesticides carries significant risks. Safeguards are difficult to ensure in many countries.

Among international organizations, including FAO, the World Health Organization and the World Bank, there is consensus that highly hazardous products should not be available to small scale farmers who lack knowledge and the proper sprayers, protective gear and storage facilities to manage such products appropriately.

FAO therefore recommends that governments in developing countries should speed up the withdrawal of highly hazardous pesticides from their markets.

Der er alternativer for hånden

Non-chemical and less toxic alternatives are available, and in many cases Integrated Pest Management can provide adequate pest management that is more sustainable and reduces the use of pesticides.

The International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management, adopted by FAO member countries, establishes voluntary standards of conduct for all public and private entities involved in pesticide management.

This Code has been broadly accepted as the main reference for responsible pesticide management.

The Code states that prohibiting the importation, distribution, sale and purchase of highly hazardous pesticides may be considered if, based on risk assessment, risk mitigation measures or good marketing practices, are insufficient to ensure that the product can be handled without unacceptable risk to humans and the environment.

For monocrotophos, many governments have concluded that prohibition is the only effective option to prevent harm to people and the environment.

This pesticide is prohibited in Australia, China, the European Union and the United States, and in many countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.


Om Monocrotophos

– Monocrotophos er et organofosfat. Det bruges til at dræbe alle typer insekter og er især populær blandt ris- og bomuldsbønder i Asien
– Det er på FN-organisationen WHO’s ’liste 1’ over stærkt giftige stoffer og er et såkaldt PIC-kemikalie ifølge den internationale Rotterdam Konvention. Det dækker over særligt farlige kemikalier
– Monocrotophos optages ved indåndning eller igennem huden, og påvirker centralnervesystemet ved at nedbryde forbindelserne mellem nerverne
– I mindre doser er symptomerne hovedpine, søvnløshed, koncentrationsbesvær, humørforstyrrelser. I større doser vil et menneske gå i krampe og dø
– Stoffet har været beskyldt for at forårsage kræft, men ifølge WHO er der ingen endeligt beviselig sammenhæng
– WHO vurderer, at stoffet er ansvarlig for en stor del af de sygdomstilfælde og dødsfald, der sker dagligt i Den 3. Verden
– 99 procent af forgiftningsdødsfald med pesticider sker i u-landene
– En række lande har forbudt produktet, og i EU og USA er der ingen virksomheder, der har søgt om at forlænge patentet.

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