Studerende vinder stor pris med forretningside, der skal hjælpe Afrika

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

Foto: Kevin Carter/Getty Images

2 studerende, Mauro Pavesi og Eric Bøgh Svinth i forretningsgruppen banqu, vandt torsdag årets “Develop Solution” Afrika-konkurrence og dermed førsteprisen på 100.000 kr. i form af et rejselegat til kontinentet, som er sponseret af Industrialiseringsfonden for Udviklingslandene (IFU).

Banqu vandt på en forretningsplan, der går ud på at oparbejde en afrikansk produktion af beklædningsgenstande i økologisk bomuld i moderne Afrika-snit i stedet for, at bomulden eksporteres til forarbejdning i fortrinvis Asien.

Den ene af idemændene, Mauro Pavesi, er færdig som kandidat fra Aalborg Universitet og flyttede, mens konkurrencen stod på, til til Burkina Faso i Vestafrika, hvor han arbejder for FNs Udviklingsprogram (UNDP).

Studenterorganisationen Develop er arrangør af konkurrencen ”Develop Solution”, hvor studerende præmieres for at udarbejde forretningsplaner, der er økonomisk holdbare og har potentiale for at bidrage til udvikling i verdens u-lande.

Mange aktører fra det danske erhvervsliv bakker allerede op om konkurrencen, anfører Develop.

Et sammendrag af banqus forretningsplan giver en idé om, hvordan man både vil tjene penge og skabe udvikling i Afrika.

“In several African countries the production of cotton is boosting as well as apparel (beklædningsgenstande) sourcing is growing. But, too often raw cotton is exported to Asia instead of being used to develop a local supply-chain that from raw cotton leads into yarn, fabric and finally into clothing.

The basic idea behind banqu is therefore to use marketing and branding to develop a market demand for African products that starts at the end of the value-chain – that is apparel – and support the demand for the whole value-chain.

The aim is to create one or several fashion brands with a modern African identity and produce casual apparel that appeal to both women and men in Europe and North America by using organic cotton and environmental friendly technologies.

Combining the African identity with the environmental focus will provide an innovative and strong positioning within a market that has reached annual growth rates higher than 100 per cent.

At the same time, the project will be based on the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and fair trade. This will both strengthen the commitment to reduce poverty and will represent a genuine branding element, hence a competitive leverage.

The main focus of the company will be on apparel design and marketing and sales. Production will be carried out between Burkina Faso and Ghana in cooperation with local manufactures and private and public actors that have gained a strong know-how within the value-chain of the organic cotton production.

The aim of the company is to start its operations in 2008 and conquer a market share of 0,1 per cent of the organic cotton apparel market by 2011, representing a turnover of approximately 10 million US dollar.

Investment will be limited due to the fact that the apparel sector is not capital intensive. Nevertheless, some investments might be required in order to improve the capacity and capabilities of local African partners.

This might be done in cooperation with private and public organisations involved in the economic and social development in Africa.

The team will be composed by people with experience within marketing and apparel design and will be gradually expanded according to the business plan needs”.

Banqu har endnu ingen klare planer om, hvad rejsen skal indeholde, men har talt om at kigge på produktionsforholdene i henholdsvis Østafrika og Vestafrika.

Rejsen vil blive planlagt i samvirke med IFU, men tager udgangspunkt i vindergruppens forretningside. Vinderne vil som minimum gæste 2 lande, hvor der arrangeres besøg hos virksomheder, organisationer og læreanstalter. Rejsen skal finde sted i efteråret 2007.

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