FN: håber for Irak
The top United Nations envoy in Iraq has welcomed the signing of an electoral Code of Conduct (valgforordning?) by the…
21. februar 2010 | Asien -
Nu kan du snart opleve Filippinerne i Brøndsalen på Frederiksberg
Fagbevægelsens organisation for bistand til Den 3. Verden, Ulandssekretariatet, slår lørdag den 27. februar dørene op for kunstudstilling-en “Crossover -…
19. februar 2010 | Asien -
Vestlige NGOer til Bangladesh: Få nu de diger bragt i orden
Western aid agencies have called on the Bangladeshi government to urgently speed up work rebuilding hundreds of kilometres of coastal…
18. februar 2010 | Asien -
Bangladesh: Gerne klimabistand, men ikke hvis den går via Verdensbanken
Bangladesh against climate aid via World Bank – one of the most affected countries by climate change in the world
17. februar 2010 | Asien -
FAO appellerer om hjælp til genbosætning i Sri Lanka
ROME, 16 February 2010: The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO, Tuesday launched an appeal for more than 23…
17. februar 2010 | Asien -
UNESCO-rapport: Undervisning er under angreb i 32 lande
Attacks on students, teachers and educational institutions took place in at least 32 countries between 2007 and 2009, with dramatic…
17. februar 2010 | Asien -
Journalister truet i Nepal
United Nations human rights officials in Nepal voiced alarm Monday over the threats made against journalists reporting on the recent…
16. februar 2010 | Asien -
Asien i dybden: Thailand – da terroristerne narrede regeringen
Så er der en ny publikation fra Nordisk Institut for Asienstudier i København, der går i dybden med Asien: In…
15. februar 2010 | Asien -
Ledende oppositionspolitiker løsladt i Burma
NEW YORK, 13. February 2010: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has welcomed the release today of a prominent opposition politician in…
15. februar 2010 | Asien -
Indiens stærke maoister vil gå til forhandlingsbordet, hvis….
A leader of India’s Maoist rebels has said they are ready to begin talks with the government if at least…
12. februar 2010 | Asien