Jørgen Lissner i appel: Darfur bør ikke overskygge syndfloden i Bangladesh
Tthe United Nations has urged the international community to offer more aid to help the victims of devastating floods in…
31. august 2004 -
WFP i nødhjælpsgennembrud overfor Libyen: Vogntog med fødevarer til Darfur-flygtninge kan krydse Sahara-ørkenen til Tchad
A convoy of trucks carrying the first consignment of emergency food aid across the Sahara desert for Sudanese refugees in…
30. august 2004 -
Darfur: Pronk på inspektion
A team of United Nations and Sudanese government officials arrived in the western Sudanese Darfur region on Thursday to assess…
27. august 2004 -
EU: 20 millioner euro til Darfur
The European Commission has allocated 20 million euro in humanitarian aid for the victims of the crisis in the Darfur…
25. august 2004 -
Uenige om dagsorden for fred i Darfur
Two rebel groups of the Darfur region on Tuesday rejected the agenda of peace talks with the Sudanese government in…
25. august 2004 -
Sten i vejen for fred i Darfur
Africas latest effort to resolve an 18-month-old conflict in Sudans western Darfur region hit an immediate bump on Monday when…
24. august 2004 -
Fredsforhandlinger om Darfur
Mandag åbnede formanden for Den Afrikanske Union (AU), Nigerias præsident Olusegun Obasanja, fredsforhandlingerne mellem Sudans regering og partisanledere fra landets…
23. august 2004 | Afrika -
WFP: Styrtregn i Darfur skaber nu et logistisk mareridt
Heavy rains are hampering the delivery of badly needed food to hundreds of thousands of displaced people in the troubled…
19. august 2004 -
Sudan genåbner adgangen til stor flygtningelejr i Darfur
The Sudanese authorities Monday re-opened the Kalma camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in South Darfur to humanitarian workers –…
17. august 2004 -
Mens verden er optaget af Darfur, skæres madrationerne ned i Liberia – for anden gang
Dwindling food stocks and a shortfall in donor funding have forced the UN World Food Programme (WFP) to cut rations…
17. august 2004