International Monetary Fund
Tirsdag store gældslettelses-dag for bl.a. 10 samarbejdslande for Danida – men det koster IDA dyrt på sigt
The World Banks board is likely to approve a debt relief proposal for 18 poor countries on Tuesday March 28…
22. marts 2006 -
Zimbabwes inflation slår nye Weimar-rekorder
Zimbabwes inflation has hit a record high of 782 per cent, the countrys Central Statistics Office announced on Friday reports…
15. marts 2006 -
Ørkenspredning en fare endog i Congo-bækkenet – stor samlet plan skal modvirke miljø-forarmelse
BRAZZAVILLE, 15 March (IRIN): Considered Earths other ecological lung after the Amazon rainforest, the Congo River Basin – whose forests…
15. marts 2006 -
Donorer bekræfter, at de vil yde milliardbistand til Sudan – selv uden en fredsaftale i Darfur
Donor states meeting at the World Banks Paris office confirmed Friday they would go ahead with the 4,5 billion US…
13. marts 2006 -
Verdensbanken giver dybt korruptionsramt land gældslettelse – sætter alligevel tommelskruerne på
The World Bank is granting the Republic of Congo (også benævnt Congo Brazzaville – tidl.
9. marts 2006 -
6 europæiske lande på vej med nyt finansierings-redskab i kampen mod globale sygdomme
In what could become a model for financing future development initiatives, six European governments will use a financing technique popular…
5. marts 2006 -
Storbritannien og Frankrig enige om nye redskaber til at skaffe flere penge til u-landshjælp
UK Chancellor (finansminister) Gordon Browns plan to increase aid for poor countries received a hefty boost Tuesday when France and…
1. marts 2006 -
Kinas indtog gør indtryk i Afrika
China are winning resources and loyalties in Africa.
28. februar 2006 | Afrika -
Swazilands statsbudget: Langt det meste går til bureaukraterne og militæret i et land, hvor 70 pct. lever under fattigdomsgrænsen
MBABANE, 22 Feb. (IRIN): Releasing Swazilands budget this week in parliament, Finance Minister Majozi Sithole revealed that more than two-thirds…
25. februar 2006 -
Udviklingsbanker går sammen om at bekæmpe korruptionens svøbe
Leading international finance organizations have announced a new strategy for tackling corruption, reports the World Bank press review Tuesday. The…
22. februar 2006