International Monetary Fund
Rovfiskeri blandt u-landenes læger og sygeplejersker – hentes til Vesten
4 million health workers needed in developing world Recruitment of foreign healthcare workers by public and private employers in the…
6. august 2008 -
Mad- og brændstofpriser kan udviske virkningen af Afrikas gældslettelser
Food, Fuel Rises Could Erase Africa Debt Gains-Afdb Economic gains which debt forgiveness has brought Africa could be erased by…
5. august 2008 | Afrika -
Verdensbankens chef til G8-landene: Vi er ved at løbe tør for midler på alle områder, mens fødevarekrisen vokser
Plea For Aid To Avert Starvation Warning that rising food and oil prices pose a crisis for the worlds poor,…
3. juli 2008 -
Internationale kvinderetsgrupper: Bistand begynder med kvinderne
Development: “Aid Must Budget for Women” ROME, 16 June 2008 (IPS): Womens rights will be further marginalised if gender equality…
16. juni 2008 -
Verdensbanken og Valutafonden vil hjælpe et “nyt” Zimbabwe
The Spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in Washington has agreed on a three-pronged strategy…
14. april 2008 -
Verdensbanken til de rige lande: Giv mere fødevarehjælp NU
Donors Urged To Support Countries Affected By Surging Food Prices The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) urged…
14. april 2008 -
IMF sælger ud af guldet
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) plans to sell gold over the next few years to stabilize its funding and head…
8. april 2008 -
Planer om enorm bistandspakke til et “nyt Zimbabwe”
Britain is working on an unprecedented 1 billion pound-a-year international emergency aid and development package to rescue the ruined Zimbabwean…
4. april 2008 -
Ændret stemmefordeling i valutafonden
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) board has recommended a landmark overhaul in the voting power of member countries, with emerging…
31. marts 2008 -
Liberia ud af sumpen: Valutafonden lukker op for posen efter 20 år
The International Monetary Fund (IMF – Valutafonden) has normalized its economic relations with Liberia, after more than 20 years, and…
18. marts 2008