International Monetary Fund
USA bakker op om IMF-guldsalg
The US supports a plan for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to sell part of its gold reserves to shore…
27. februar 2008 -
Zoellick: Vi har gjort næsten rent bord med Liberias gæld
World Bank President Robert Zoellick said Wednesday that Liberias debts of more than 900 million US dollar to international financial…
31. januar 2008 -
IMF lemper regler for gældssanering – for dem med fremgang
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has amended its rules to allow poor countries that are in arrears to the institution…
22. januar 2008 -
Liberia betaler sine restancer til Verdensbanken – og kan igen få hjælp
Liberia cleared its debt arrears (restancer) with the World Bank on Wednesday, paving the way for new development lending and…
7. december 2007 -
Nye bistandspenge til DR Congo
International donors promised 4 billion US dollar (godt 20 milliarder DKR) in funds for the DR Congo (former Zaire) between…
4. december 2007 -
Ny silkevej til Europa
Eight countries signed an agreement at the weekend to spend $19 billion (lidt over 97 mia. d. kr.) on roads…
5. november 2007 -
Opbakning til WB-strategi
World Bank President Robert Zoellick on Sunday won support from bank member countries for his strategy to lead the poverty-fighting…
23. oktober 2007 -
Zoellick om Verdensbankens fremtidige linie
World Bank President Robert Zoellick said Wednesday that globalization must be ‘inclusive and sustainable’ if it is to help combat…
11. oktober 2007 -
Teknologi skaber mere ulighed end handel
Advancing technology, rather than globalization, has been the driving force behind rising inequality in developed and developing countries alike, the…
11. oktober 2007 -
Halv milliard til ny fond, der skal hjælpe de fattigste lande til mere handel
Representatives from donor nations Tuesday pledged more than 100 million US dollar (530 mio. DKR) to help the worlds least…
27. september 2007