Trafficking og menneskehandel er en global industri
Af Tove Silveira Wennergren, SANTO DOMINGO, DEN DOMINIKANSKE REPUBLIK, 31. August 2009: Trafficking och människohandel är en global industri…
2. september 2009 | Amerika -
Kvindetribunal går i clinch med hiv og trafficking
BALI, 5 August 2009: Harrowing personal stories narrated by more than 20 women who have endured trafficking, violence, exploitation and…
6. august 2009 | Asien -
Traditionelle børneægteskaber udvikler sig til trafficking
NOUAKCHOTT, 9 December 2008 (IRIN): Marrying off Mauritanian girls as young as six years old to men in Gulf states…
10. december 2008 | Afrika -
Filippinerne: Sejr i kampen mod trafficking
MANILA, 2 December 2008 (IRIN): A recent court ruling has given fresh impetus to the battle against human trafficking. An…
2. december 2008 | Asien -
Nyt instrument i kampen mod børne trafficking
BRASILIA, 25 November 2008 (ILO News): The International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) will launch a new…
26. november 2008 -
FN: Libanon skal stramme lovgivningen mod trafficking
NEW YORK, 20 October 2008: A new report commissioned by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) calls…
20. oktober 2008 -
International aktionsdag mod trafficking
BRUXELLES, 17 October 2008: Saturday, the second EU anti-trafficking day will be held across Europe. On this occasion, the International…
18. oktober 2008 -
Guinea Bissau: Børne- trafficking mindskes
By Joseph Appiah-Dolphyne, AfricaNews ACCRA, 16 October 2008: Child trafficking from Guinea-Bissau to Senegal is on the decline, partly due…
16. oktober 2008