Klimaændinger truer Stillehavsøerne
CAIRNS, 6 August 2009: Climate change poses an existential threat to the Pacific Island countries and may further aggravate conflicts…
8. august 2009 | Asien -
FNs flygtninge højkommissær: Akut behov for mere hjælp til somaliske flygtninge
NAIROBI, Kenya, August 6, (UNHCR): The UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres concluded his three-day visit to Kenya on…
7. august 2009 | Afrika -
Militær leder: FN styrkerne i Afrika mangler mandskab og materiel
NEW YORK, 6 August 2009: The military chiefs of the United Nations’ largest and most complex peacekeeping operations urged Member…
7. august 2009 | Afrika -
Honduransk teenager flygter fra sit hjemlands homofobi
Mexico By, 4 August 2009 (UNHCR): From an early age, Antonio* and those around him knew he was different. -…
6. august 2009 | Amerika -
Uganda vil af med flygtninge fra Rwanda
KAMPALA, 4 August 2009 (IRIN) – Thousands of Rwandan refugees in Uganda could lose their status following the expiry of…
5. august 2009 | Afrika -
Rapport: Den økonomiske krise truer millioner af hiv-positive og aids-ramte
Economic crisis threatens HIV prevention and treatment gains in poor countries GENEVA, 6 July, 2009: In 22 countries in Africa,…
6. juli 2009 | Afrika -
Bhutanske flygtningefamilier i Nepal frygter at blive splittet
More than a thousand Nepalese women married to Bhutanese refugees fear they may be left out of the third country…
3. juli 2009 | Asien -
Uafhængig kommission ser på Bhuttos død
NEW YORK, 19 June 2009: The independent commission tasked with looking into the facts and circumstances surrounding the assassination of…
19. juni 2009 | Asien -
UNHCR: 42 millioner på flugt kloden over
The number of people forcibly uprooted by conflict and persecution worldwide stood at 42 million at the end of last…
16. juni 2009 | Afrika -
Ban Ki-moon kræver undersøgelse af ”uacceptabelt høje” civile dødstal i kampen mellem Sri Lankas regering og de Tamilske Tigre
11.june 2009 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today reiterated how important it is for the Sri Lankan Government to follow up…
14. juni 2009 | Asien