Verdensbanken: Ny fond til forbedring af infrastrukturen i fattige lande
WASHINGTON, April 25, 2009: World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick Saturday launched two multi-billion infrastructure investment initiatives to help…
26. april 2009 -
Verdensbanken: Finanskrisen spænder ben for 2015-målene
WASHINGTON, April 24, 2009: The global financial crisis is imperiling attainment of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and creating…
25. april 2009 -
ITUC: Verdensbanken og IMF skal handle hurtigt for at dæmme op mod finanskrisen
BRUXELLES, 23 April 2009: The international trade union movement has called on the World Bank and IMF to use the…
24. april 2009 -
Verdensbanken tredobler støtten til sociale programmer
Washington, April 21, 2009: The World Bank announced Tuesday that its investments in safety nets and other social protection programs…
21. april 2009 -
Verdensbanken: Den økonomiske vækst i u-landene er i frit fald
World Bank Cuts Growth Forecast for Developing Nations Economic growth in developing nations will slow this year far more than…
31. marts 2009 | Afrika -
Verdensbanken i milliardløft for Brasiliens miljø og regnskove
BRASILIA, March 25, 2009: The approval earlier this month of a 1,3 billion US dollar World Bank loan to support…
26. marts 2009 | Amerika -
Verdensbanken i pengeregn over Ghana – og opfordrer nu direkte NGOer til at overvåge dens projekter
Ghana To Receive huge amount In Interest-Free Loans From The World Bank ACCRA, 11 March 2009: The World Bank will…
11. marts 2009 | Ghana -
Verdensbanken hjælper miljøet omkring Victoria-søen i Østafrika
World Bank Approves Loan to Enhance Environmental Management of the Lake Victoria Basin WASHINGTON, 10 March 2009: The Executive Board…
11. marts 2009 | Afrika -
Verdensbanken: De mest sårbare lande mangler milliarder for at dæmme op mod øget fattigdom
WASHINGTON, March 8, 2009: Developing countries face a financing shortfall of 270-700 billion US dollar this year, as private sector…
9. marts 2009 | Afrika -
Verdensbanken: U-landenes kvinder og piger rammes hårdt af finanskrisen
WASHINGTON, March 6, 2009: The current global financial crisis, combined with recent food price increases, will have serious consequences for…
7. marts 2009