Titusinder ramt af store oversvømmelser i det sydlige Afrika
UN: Floods displace thousands in southern Africa NEW YORK, 27 March 2009: Floods across southern Africa, caused by extreme rainfall,…
31. marts 2009 | Afrika -
WHO: Mange flere hiv-smittede får tuberkulose
WHO Report: TB, HIV Coinfection Deaths Doubled GENEVA, 25 MARCH 2009: In recognition of World Tuberculosis Day, March 24, the…
26. marts 2009 | Afrika -
UNICEF og WHO indleder stort slag mod børnelammelse
Fredag går UNICEF og WHO i gang med at vaccinere 53 millioner børn mod polio i 8 vest- og centralafrikanske…
26. marts 2009 | Afrika -
FN gør boet op: Enorme udækkede humanitære behov tårner sig op i Darfur
Joint UN and Sudanese assessment of Darfur aid reveals critical gaps NEW YORK, 24 March 2009: United Nations humanitarian officials…
25. marts 2009 | Afrika -
Multiresistent tuberkulose i stigning
DAKAR, 24 March 2009 (IRIN) – Over the past three years, the number of countries reporting cases of extensively drug…
24. marts 2009 -
WHO: Det er en politisk beslutning, om finanskrisen skal ramme sundhedssektoren
BERLIN, 20 March 2009: Today’s global crises, whether the economic downturn or climate change, are the result of bad policies…
21. marts 2009 -
7,7 millioner børn vaccineres mod børnelammelse i Afghanistan
Afghan President kicks off UN-backed polio immunization drive KABUL, 16 March 2009: President Hamid Karzai has kicked off a United…
16. marts 2009 | Asien -
WHO: Nu 88.000 koleraramte i Zimbabwe
GENEVA, 6 March 2009: Some 88.000 people have now been affected by cholera in Zimbabwe, the United Nations World Health…
8. marts 2009 | Afrika -
FN redder 880 børnesoldater i DR Congo
UN helps demobilize 880 children linked to armed groups in DR Congo KINSHASA, 4 March 2009: The UN peacekeeping mission…
5. marts 2009 | Afrika -
WHO: Millioner af børn i fare i Uganda
About 7 million Ugandan children are under threat after the government in Kampala was accused by the World Health Organization…
4. marts 2009 | Afrika