Lesotho i gennembrud: Tilbyder alle indbyggere gratis test for hiv
In what is believed to be the first program of its kind in the world, every villager in the tiny,…
30. november 2005 -
Richard Holbrooke: Strategien mod aids er forkert – vi taber stensikkert kampen, hvis vi ikke lægger den om
USAs tidl.
30. november 2005 -
FAO: Slå ikke vilde fugle ihjel i kampen mod fugleinfluenza
FAO warns against killing wild birds to fight bird flu Danger of distracting attention from core control campaign Rome, 29…
29. november 2005 -
FN masse-vaccinerer mod gul feber i Sydsudan – sygdom ellers udryddet
UN agencies and their partners are supporting a mass vaccination campaign against yellow fever in Sudans South Kordofan state, where…
29. november 2005 -
Rapport: Derfor nås aids-mål ikke
Mismanagement, bureaucracy and inadequate funding have kept the world from meeting a goal to provide treatment to 3 million HIV-infected…
29. november 2005 -
FN-årsrapport: Fremgang i kampen mod hiv/aids, men svært at holde trit med epidemien – nu over 40 mio. hiv-smittede
GENEVA, 21 Nov.: There is new evidence that adult HIV infection rates have decreased in certain countries and that changes…
21. november 2005 -
Globalt møde om fugleinfluenzaen trækker linjerne op
Geneva, 9 Nov.: A global meeting has identified key components of a global action plan to control avian influenza in…
10. november 2005 -
Annan: USAs blokade rammer FN-programmer på Cuba
The blockade maintained by the United States against Cuba prevents programs of collaboration by diverse UN agencies with the Island,…
27. oktober 2005 -
Benhård kritik af Mbekis regering i bog af tidl. FN-udsending om aids
JOHANNESBURG, Oct. 24 – A new book by the special UN envoy to Africa on AIDS brings to light an…
26. oktober 2005 -
FAO ind i national kampagne mod fugleinfluenza i Indonesien
Rome, 24 October: FAO will assemble an emergency team of experts in Indonesia to help the country embark on a…
25. oktober 2005