Forskere: Briterne giver bistand med den ene hånd og tapper modtagerlandene for uddannet arbejdskraft med den anden
Physicians (medicinsk personale) in developing countries, particularly in HIV/AIDS-stricken sub-Saharan Africa, are making up the shortfall in medical staff in…
30. maj 2005 -
Nye internationale sundhedsregler på vej efter års tovtrækkerier – skal bringe det globale beredskab mod smitsomme sygdomme up to date
The World Health Assembly Monday approved a new set of International Health Regulations to manage public health emergencies of international…
25. maj 2005 -
USA lemper betingelser for at få aids-penge – ingen “prostitutions-ed”
The administration of President George W. Bush has pulled back from a plan that would have required thousands of grass-roots…
23. maj 2005 -
Kommentator: Bill Gates er en titan i kampen for global sundhed
Gates a titan of global health; Message of generosity rippling through rich, poor nations By the American commentator Frank Greve…
20. maj 2005 -
Gates Foundation støtter nyt stort anti-malaria-program i Zambia
A new initiative to reduce malaria deaths in Zambia launched Thursday could serve as a model for the rest of…
20. maj 2005 -
WHO en flaskehals for godkendelse af ny medicin
The United Nations global health watchdog is dragging its feet in approving cheap, effective medicines for the poor to combat…
19. maj 2005 -
Rige lande hamstrer medicin mod fugleinfluenza, mens fattige lande direkte i skudlinjen næsten ingen medicin har
The threat that an outbreak of avian flu (fugleinfluenza) deadly to humans could become the next flu pandemic has produced…
19. maj 2005 -
Tanzania går over til ny malaria-medicin i 2006 og dansk firma skal fremstille den
Tanzania will in 2006 officially adopt a new combination therapy for the treatment of malaria to replace SP or sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine,…
12. maj 2005 -
Første globale rapport klar om malaria: Stadig værst i Afrika, men fremskridt
GENEVA/NEW YORK, 3 May: More people are accessing prevention and treatment services for malaria, sparking hope that the number of…
9. maj 2005 | Afrika -
Kampen mod malaria (2): Verdensbanken lancerer ny global plan for at komme plagen til livs
WASHINGTON, April 24: The World Bank Sunday marked Africa Malaria Day with the launch of a new global approach to…
28. april 2005